NAMafia Investment Thread

Bitcoin is down like 60% now and the Chinese Supreme Court just declared the ban unconstitutional or whatever their version is. Pretty funny that it happens every time

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the utter scale of beaurocracy in that country is staggering and almost all of them are corrupt

Old lore. Their new president has done really well at lessening corruption

He even outlawed homes being used as speculative investments. I wish our leadership did that

my understanding is the central committee just gives things to the provincial/local committees who the proceed to steal large amounts of it before giving it to the people it’s meant for

ie. why there was a food shortage in Shanghai

Unironically I think China is doing an incredible job at looking out for the greater good of its people, albeit sacrificing a few freedoms to get there

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how would you know? just seems like lip service to me

he’s arrested a few people and made a really big deal about it, I doubt much has actually changed

Weaponized bag holding

A lot of citizens would agree lol

“a few freedoms” that’s a very generous way of saying it

I don’t think any of us can actually know what the overall view of Chinese citizens is or how much it’s influenced by propaganda

you can talk to expats like i did

I don't know man I'm a China Stan. I feel like they're the new world power and I don't feel like many things they have done have really hurt their citizens more than helped

I find it hard to take a country that unironically produces state media like this seriously or have the opinion that they are well run

The limiting video game usage is one of those things that sounds absolutely awful, but if you think about it truly probably reduces suffering by an incredible amount

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my friend who just went home a few hours ago that has been here basically grinding out diplomas to avoid going back would prolly agree that "the governemnt has the best interests of the people in mind" is the general chinese sentiment even if it doesnt match his

i can think of several people in my head that i know that would agree, one of which has outright told me this before

it is anecdotal but its the little evidence i look at

locking people in white padded rooms reduces their suffering too, i guess it depends what type of country you want to live in

banning cigarettes/alcohol/weed could be argued to ‘reduce suffering’ too, would you support that?

how about banning all sugary drinks?

Yeah I probably would support all of these

well I wouldn’t want to live in jdanceland

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Don't agree that this would reduce suffering

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