NAMafia Investment Thread

I’m just using TLRY as an example of a stock that can be regarded as high risk high reward, if you got in early you could have cashed out nicely

as a gambling man how do i profit off of this company’s failure

Correct me if I’m wrong but TLRY is the stock that bubbled up insanely and trading was frozen multiple times in the same day due to volatility


You don’t

honestly? you don’t. everyone has the same idea as you thus the cost for shorting the company outpaces the amount you could make off of the short

You could sell calls I guess but the demand for those are very low since everyone with half a brain knows TLRY is a fucking joke

It’s priced in already. I haven’t checked in awhile but I don’t see why it’s any different, the premium for PUTS is insane and I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to let you short sell but maybe I’m wrong

thanks. like i said i really don’t know anything.

Basically, its a situation where everyone saw it coming so it doesnt matter that you saw it aswell

sell naked calls and get fucked when it spikes up +80% on the day they expire

so whats your strategy in general (not tlry)

if he says trade options disregard him unless you have money to burn and are emotionless with your holds

Trading options that expire within 30 days is like the closest thing to gambling on the stock market

Honestly dude just throw it in an index fund unless you have a tolerance to burning money

lets say i do

invest in Jedi Run

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Fidelity offers commission free index funds

If you think anyones going to tell you an investment strategy that works you are a crackhead
