yeah that's my point., jones doing what he did and not being punished in any way, hardly even being condemned, only for you to eventually just shrug your shoulders and move on, taking the easiest way out

whatever shred of credibility this site had died that day. i can think of so many people who would be just as disgusted as me if not more.

oh look it's the least possible charitable interpretation of my actions, what an incredible and devastating argument you have there jones

it couldn't possibly be that your actions were so over the top and disgusting it drove yet another member of the forum away

notice how all the "normies" don't post any more? how it's only jdances and nmaganes and asouls? people like you are the reason they left, and shitty ass limp dick moderating being a close second.

maybe there's nobody left who can remember, but NaDotA actually DID have SOME standards, SOME lines you couldn't cross.

like when grandgrant posted a nude photo of kittens, guess what spit-wad did? he banned his ass for 6 months and deleted the posts.

why was the time that kyle banned people like jones the best stretch this forum ever had? nadota attracted genuinely funny, interesting, intelligent and skilled people, meanwhile this place is a case study on the paradox of tolerance

and all those people who care about things like global warming and racism are equally narcissistic in your mind

you're so sick in the head you view genuinely good qualities as some type of manipulative virtue signalling, because that's what you would do. you're not capable of conceptualizing anything else.

you're cooked

Jones is a rapist?

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  1. Alightsoul drove away the "normies" (KZZ, Broodstar).
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We should just go back to the post-George Floyd forum when Jones was banned and Nyte was mod and complained about misogynists not respecting her mafia reads because she was a woman.

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I have nothing against you but this is a contradiction. The period where we were banned was largely dominated by Jdance and Alightsoul, and most of the discussion revolved around them.

Plus I'm not sure what "normies" even bothered making the switch from nadota to namafia. KrazyKat? The only user that actually left the forum since it was created is electrowizard.

After much thought, I am taking a leave of absence from the forum. I've been invited to participate in Project 2025 and my time is better spent composing policy reforms to make black people unemployable. If by some chance Trump loses in the general election come November, I may return.

To all my fans: keep on being beautiful! I have always loved you!

No it wasnt.

have you guys seen this?

I dont remember anything about that period. We didnt attract anybody. This is a closed ecosystem and nobody here is intelligent or skilled

The truth is that you are just a man child

bro NADotA started in December 2010, of course you don't remember the good parts, you weren't fucking around

for getting mad at someone trolling me in a funeral thread? okay sociopath

bro trying to mock my point by referring to fucking 2022, a period in which you had all already permanently infested the forum for half a decade at this point?

no, that's not when I was referring to, you fucking idiot

plenty of the "normies" i'm referring to (the ones who made the forum worth reading,, the ones who posted things that aren't just verbal sludge) left well before nadota died.

even the non-normies who were at least good posters left because of you stupid fucks spamming the forum and turning every thread into a 50/50 chance of having your time wasted

people like agile_mind, bulba, broodstar, etc.

Agile Xing Mind and broodstar were posting until the very last day of, broodstar especially was actually sharing accounts with me and jones and we shared many interests. I'd even go far enough to say we were good forumfriends.

Bulba had already left long before anyone joined the website to pursue his pro career, like every other pro player.
Keep in mind that I only really started actively posting on the forum in mid-late 2017 and it was mostly mafia games. Jones started maybe a year or two earlier but he also was nowhere near the most active poster.

There are way too many factors here and I feel like you're mixing facts unintentionally.