Broodstar even signed up on namafia and posted for some time, but his interests naturally waned and drifted away. It's nobody's fault.
His account is @casey1

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why does anyone care about a Canadians opinion anyway lololol


Left = nyte

Right = ewiz

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  1. There were no "normies" on old NADota, the people there were all social rejects who had spent way too many hours on dota and arrived to flame and hate each other constantly. You have a super twisted view of history insom. And the people you idolize/want back were just as degenerate (or more so) than jdance/jones today - brood for example spent like 14 hours a day straight arguing with me about nothing across every thread on the forum to the point where people wanted us both banned in one period, then shared his account to me so we could both pretend to be the other person posting downright embarrassing things for another stretch. Point being - you just built these people up in your mind because you were younger and in a different phase of life, they were just as unhinged (probably more so) as anyone here today.

Truth is, this website has more normies than ever. Most of the people who post here are now normal dudes with jobs, gfs (or in ■■■'s case bfs), barely playing video games and everyone is fairly polite to each other.

  1. Honestly can we take a step back and understand what you are so upset about? What did Jones actually do? Can you fetch the posts?

Trolling you is not a capital offense, it happens in pretty much every thread you post in. I think I recall it started with the suggestion that it was a vaccine-related injury, which is actually not an unreasonable question (given the current facts we know now) and was also deleted by the mod team to keep the thread from devolving into that debate.

He also posted an AI image of Osiris as a fat cherub playing disc golf in heaven, which to me is just kind of stupid and not some extreme horrific offense. Osiris probably would have found it funny.

And lastly you do realize Osiris spent like 6 months+ before he died hanging out with, playing video games, and shooting the shit with these guys? They might be some of his closest friends on the forum.

It's just very silly, all this crying over "trolling" while calling back to old NADota in the same breath. Trolling and being cruel to people was the lifeblood of the old forum and what we have today is a tame little sandbox by comparison. People are actually friends here and don't all hate each other. Even the "goys." Just chill and be friends with people instead of crusading to get someone banned because he made fun of you.

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here we go again

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osiris would've killed and raped your mother


Osiris would've called all of you guys idiots and gone back to talking about military history or board games or something

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I’m just happy that it feels like I don’t have to add anything because other competent members of the board have said what I would

Stolen logo aside, we are not nadota. This obviously sucks in some aspects like losing the vets and dota digest and all that. But I think one of the places we shine is that people are clearly just way more mature here than they were on nadota — to me anyways. And I’d really hope so, given that era for was like a decade ago.

I wouldn't call @pastel very mature at all.

And yeah it would be cool if we could just shelve the race discussions permanently, if we stopped talking conspiratard bullshit, etc. but I’m glad this place is also not a pure echo chamber. It’s hard to find public online spaces that aren’t an echo chamber these days. To me anyways

The only race I care about is how fast I can get @pastel to leave the forum.

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You’re obsessed and I’m sure the energy would be better applied elsewhere

your mom

Stop harassing users or else

by the way this is a logical fallacy. I am gaining bonus energy that would otherwise not exist by "harassing" @pastel, so it would be impossible to apply it anywhere else.

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For the record I support your harassment of pastel and will un-do whatever punitive action ■■■ takes to try to prevent it

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@pastel, consider yourself harassed.

Nominating for post of the decade

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