I’m glad both sides have an advocate

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Osiris "Would've"?

Osiris IS reading this thread right now


He's def smhing up in heaven

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Osiris would be too busy playing disc golf in heaven to read this thread

There's no NAMAFIA in heaven (this place is full of sin) and if there was there certainly wouldn't be an NAMAFIA LIVE STREAM SIDEBAR THREAD with posts in it by the user Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk

Jones is banned from the Heaven version of NAMafia (it has a competent moderation team)

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As a new mod pls don’t disparage the mods ty


Agreed. As head mod I want to thank the junior mod (LBJ) for supporting me. Thank you nephew

Big ass? Dumb ass


I don't even know who you are

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Consider yourself harassed.


Greyboxing Nma to be free of harassment

just the first few names that came to mind, i can think of literally dozens

I know, and I'm sure there's dozens and dozens of reasons why each of them "quit", and there's no point in being so reductive about it.

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yes there fucking is because that was always the main reason. plenty of people cited "posting quality" as reasons they left.

No, that was just their way of saying that the forum wasn't about IXDL NEL pro dota anymore (because the IXDL NEL Pro dota players left because the IXDL NEL pro dota players left because the IXDL NEL pro dota players left to go pro and the forum was not a professional environment for professionals).

Also people stop playing dota and stop posting on the dota forum. Wow.


And again, most of the people you're going to name were already done with dota/nadota long before anyone you blame here even signed up on the forum.

I really don't know what the point of arguing about events that happened 8+ years ago is though.

idk why you would think your memory of events would be more accurate than mine