NaMafia Official Artifact Tournament (12/2 - 8:00PM)

Maybe announce it a few weeks early and predicate joining on reaching trust level 2? Thoughts, @SOPHIE and @Roragok? Even just $20 is 10 packs

How do I reach trust level 2

No this is garbage

Not to discourage you from doing things - as I think everyone should do the thing they are excited about

You can’t force people to post to get trust levels - It would just be a grind and it wouldn’t be real site activity. Just more stats for epok

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epok moderator always trying to inflate his stats - get this shit out of here

Min post counts are dumb just make people pre register in the thread, those who take and interest in the forum will stay and the ones who just want the chance to win packs will leave as they would if they were forced to post 100 times or whatever

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Trust level 2 requirements: Play at least 2 games of Mafia

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Just do nothing. It can’t work - you can’t get new members.

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That would actually be hilarious, force random artifact players to play mafia with us

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I really just want the tournaments to have a larger crowd for competitiveness’s sake. I figured I could just offer something to grow the site if the admins are interested

This is a great idea. I could throw 20 bucks in too. It would be great for the website.

Payouts can come once we have the game and setup figured out

Admins have nothing to do with this (unless they’d like to - would actually love to have them play if they’re interested)

We have enough members to have a lot of competitiveness already - It’s just Impossible sociologically to get new members with that as a Selling point.

heres how you do it, dont force signups through the forum but make a discord for the tournament that redirects people to the forum for all information(brackets, rules, times, streams etc)

this will improve site traffic which we can monetize by placing adverts from reputable companies like, dragon dildo, marlboro, coka cola etc.

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Just need to sort out the Scheduling (4 am sunday night - not a good time)


I figure if I’m going to pay towards the prize pool for a tournament, I would try to incentivize site activity.

Imagine if we made this site for artifact what old nadota was for dota

Optimize the site activity

I don’t think we should tie the site to an awful game like artifact that is going to die in 2 weeks anyway