NaMafia Official Artifact Tournament (12/2 - 8:00PM)

If we set up a Open League that would be Cool - sure. But does any of us really want to play with Strangers?


artifact is a good game for good gamers(me) (not wintermute)

Game plan: Make the games good and the other shit will follow

We can worry about fun first

Later we’ll worry about attracting people, making prize pools, tying it to the site, whatever

But let’s make it fun to play to begin with

how to make it fun to play
step 1: casting by jones iaafr and cracked out ian
step 2: no cheating death
step 3: friendly times for non boomers(not 5 am PST

Idk I already think the game is very fun

It’s fun but there’s too few cards.

True. But you think valve isn’t greedy enough to release an expansion/new set of packs in the next 3 months?

3 months? They release 1 dota patch a year dude.

tf2: Once every 4 years

Not true, and they definitely will keep money rolling with this

is this game even castable in its current form

doesnt the spec mode suck or something

capable of what

So as far as I’ve seen there’s no spectate option anywhere

However I clicked “spectate” under rights for all players on this tournament so we’ll see

huh i fucking MISSED this

Sign the Namafia Artifact League!

Lets do it like this but instead put famed card player Broodstar258 on it. Maybe call it al258 or bal

Yeah I think itd be nice to have the Inflated Statistics and the way I see it if some new posters come out of artifact they will be autistic (complex card game players) and then the community can decide if they want them gone or whatever lmao so its not even a problem if they’re rainbowdust or whatever

In other words ill try and help you guys Set up the prize pool stay tuned