NaMafia Official Artifact Tournament (12/2 - 8:00PM)

Also please pm if you are interested in putting in money sinfce i don’t really have a list or anything and i can keep you updated

Please don’t allow any “conditional” contributors who think they are gaining something in exchange for their contribution

Do whatever you want and tell these whiny ■■■■■■■ to frig off thats my take!

Also I smell smoke am I having a stroke

yes were doing things the best way possible lmao

ftr i think im gonna adapt the gold name i gave to random dev people and use that for the $20 posters. would be the easiest reward solution

Use classic Yellow name like the old site had

dunno what color it was but I think gold looks better than yellow and probably is also less jarring to see on dark right

just what i think tho would like to hear from others

i am protecting the uniqueness of my forum accolades

I dont even see colors on dark mode (prefer it that way) but I heard right now I am gold and I don’t want a bunch of filthy common folk buying their way in

Soon as this type of tool becomes widespread draft stops being fun, payouts from keepers will be fewer and farther between, and the mode itself probably just dies

this isnt as smart as heartharena yet not enough data

I’m going to ask everyone to not use drafting tools in my tournaments (spreadsheets and shit are fine but we draw the line here) and I recognize this isn’t enforceable but I think it’s unsporting

Yea clearly it’s still early but there’s no doubt these things will continue to grow

There’s a massive demand for them and draft is even more central in this game than it was in HS

Even with heartharena it was still easy to go infinite in hearthstone

He deleted the vod. Ban please

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he just drafted stuff for arbitrary reasons and didnt know what was good in the first place and lost first round

there was pasta sauce on his desk and he looked real handsome and talked to nmagane and there was a blocked user in the teamspeak and jones was telling nmagane not to tell him how to do a thing.

it was hard to read shit because he didn’t screencapture he just pointed his webcam at his monitor

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I Can’t Believe Goyclub Purposely Fucked With Nadota. WTF?

i feel like youre reading too much into the motive here

oh atleast there was a stream lmao. im glad he tried i wish he didnt delete the vod