Would anyone be interested in a game of Neptune's Pride?
It's a pretty simplistic Risk / 4x style web game where you try to conquer a randomly generated galaxy.
The game proceeds in real time although at a very slow pace, so you can log in and make your adjustments maybe once or twice a day without it being too much of a time suck although you can still certainly camp this thing and no-life it every hour for extra granular control if you so desire.
A lot of the chicanery takes place via pms where you setup alliances and then brutus each other; seems like something mafia palyers might enjoi.
it's fun when you can find a group that will engage in heavy roleplaying / diplomacy
I had a friend I used to play with regularly and when he successfully thwarted would be attackers he would demand that they publicly apologize in all chat and erect monuments in his likeness on their core worlds in order to be spared imminent destruction
I made 3 carriers plus the one I stared with. Sent them in all 4 directions with 3 of them getting 2 planets each. I could do more waypoints and get more stars but I will wait and see.