Neptune's Pride

LOL I got this big message from Linoleumn. Serious role-play stuff. I like this guy.

Also, I learned that we can share tech. Higher techs can gift to lower techs. Since most of us are scattered and not a threat to each other, we could each learn a different tech and then swap tech upgrades.

@taste_my_rot Is this real?
Instead of spending 6 days to get one point in a desired tech, you can get 72 points in a random tech?
Seems way overpowered.


On production, your scientists will conduct experiments that will unlock X*72 points of research in a random technology where X is your experimentation tech level.

A great way to boost your over all tech advancement without focusing on a single tech.

I think it's in addition ot your normal research, and yeah it does seem pretty good although you can always choose to barter for tech instead though this would still be pretty useful regardless unless it keeps randoming on a tech you don't particularly want to focus on

for all the spectators @home watching:

Not sure why Zarquon is winning when I am better at all the stats.

Number one now.

don't count your chickens before they hatch!

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Yeah I made some bad choices in going for short term gains. But I think that in the long term I will do ok.

I wish the timer was shorter. One slow player slows the whole game down.

On the other hand, me going out of town on Tuesday might buy me some time on that day.
But if I was gone for 22 hours, I would submit my actions, let the turn process, and submit my next turn actions all at once.

I like the real-time version better I think, though the turn based version makes sense for people that don't have time to periodically check in on the state of their shit

the turns are a bit too slow

i definitely have no idea whats good and what isnt in this game

Experimentation is not as good as I thought. It didn't reduce my research time as much as I thought.

yeah you're advancing time in 8 hour blocks but waiting much longer than that to do so, but at the same time you have to be patient this game is designed to play out over the course of days / weeks

Game time could actually be faster than real time if everyone submitted their turns in less than 8 hours.

I wonder if Spitwad and TheAnarchist are purposely dragging the game out.

i would chalk it up to being far away time zones

the real time version is also challenging tho. game filled at 3am and so people in other timezones got a pretty good headstart.

You playing two games at once? I hope you can play at work once in a while.

Yeah people like to do shit like that and join a game last so they can get the jump on people

I feel like I'm on top of the world right now in this game.
Just waiting for the big fall and the big fail.

Looks like Spitwad is throwing bodies at Zarquon.

And I'm not sure why TheAnarchist was AFK when he took 3 stars and attacked me once.

And look at pink's star names. Made me lol.

Yeah there's some weird shit going on this game lol