New Numeta builds

mf knows indigo but not pink

Thats not pink.

how would you know?


So the new support mvp is Viper.

Build is Ring of protection > Veil > Phase boots > Drum


Urn can be very good as Poison Attack will reduce magic resist and cause Urn to do more damage. Spirit Vessel's %tile damage is not increased as it is direct health reduction, however urn by itself is very useful this method since you'll never have to upgrade it and Urn will be your armor slot.

Varying build orders are

Ring of protection 3 branch regen faerie fire/mango Starting build

**Crown>Bottle(For bounty rune or mid rotations, or stack timer rotations)>Tranquils(move speed, micro drop tranquils for regen when you're jungling)>Veil>Shard>Drum>Dragonlance Mid game tranquil boots build

Solo pushing build bottle>phase>veil>shard/Dragonlance/Shadowblade

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Im back!

Got a new build for you all to enjoy.

Support Viper.

First buy is Urn. Due to Poison Attack reducing magic resistance, this causes urn to do insane amounts of damage early on and with 4-5 stacks of Poison Attack you can solo anyone with Urn on top.

Second buy is Meteor Hammer, although there are variations to this build Meteor Hammer is my most effective.

Due to the Aghanim Shard working on Towers, this allows you to stack Poison Magic Reduction on towers before Meteor Hammering, causing them to take massive amounts of siege damage. You can kill tier 3 towers in 10 seconds, and even rax in the same amount of time.

Altering build orders are Tranquil boots after Urn to get around and regen for your neutral farming or overall damage in lane. We max Corrosive Skin and put 1 point in Nethertoxin around 4/5 depending on your lane (typically just Huskar/Pa is the necessity).

Follow up build order is Drums (for your later Drumboots), and this item overall does exactly what a support viper would need, burst attack speed to stack your Poison and Urn combo.

Later on this gets better as well.

Glypnir is decent but very costly which is why I prefer meteor hammer as regen is perfect for this hero and the active gives you some utility. Not very common would you anticipate Meteor Hammer from Viper so it's just overall the nuts.

The Urn+Metoer Hammer build is also very viable middle lane as well. High regen and harass to kill any mid (Looking at you OD spammers).

From the mid build you expand into Dragonlance / Hurricane Pike, but also I've been experimenting with Witch Blade and my reasoning is that BKB is a super nullifier to Viper in general. Viper can literally do nothing against BKB targets so I figure let's work around that and build into superior magic damage. By amplifying magic damage with Poison stacking, this causes the activation of Revenant Brooch to do upwards of 1k+ damage.

Moreover Witch Blade allows you to open up on a target from max range, with the 25% snare and allows more simplified stacking of Poison Attack so you don't need to rely on your ultimate so much for catching heroes, and save it for core BKB users when they pop their BKB (pierces BKB)

Glypnir,Hurricane Pike, Eth Blade, Meteor Hammer, Spirit Vessel are some items you can juggle around and have a lot of fun with.

Enjoy yall.

P.S haven't been playing basketball, got back into Hockey and i'm loving it.


Awesome build.

Do a muetta build racist

Can't really beat Maelstrom + Javelin.

The hero is boring doesn't seem interesting to me. Perhaps when the hero gets an aghs/shard in the new patch I'll mess around.

I will say Mask of Madness is definitely core but I never see anyone buy that. Not sure why.

Played her once ur right kinda boring

Core viper build is now Urn > Witchblade > Spirit Vessel > Hurricane Pike > Glypnir

Witchblade is absolutely THE NUTS.

Eth Blade is now in the core build in combination with Revenant Brooch.

Poison Stack > Ethblade > Viper Strike > Brooch > 10k dps.

Eth Blade debuff amplifies the damage of Spirit vessel as well, and you can apply poison attack through Revenant brooch. Absolutely destructive!

Urn > Brown boots > Withblade > Spirit Vessel> Dragon Lance > BotS > Hurricane> Glypnir > Ethblade > Brooch.

The cast range tier 2 neutral item is the best item to use for extra viper strike range & Vessel range for Viper. Grove bow being the other best option as well.

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sounds kinda fun but i think you need force staff before witchblade

2600 gold is very cheap. You crush anyone you touch.

i mean yeah but you would also die to like any 2 heroes + 1 stun idk i think i'd grab a fs first personally, depends how rich you are

That scenario applies to every hero regardless of build.

Alternatively, working on an Radiance/Bloodstone/Aghanims build.

Very strong stuff.

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bro viper farms so slow how u gonna get a radiance

u need at least like a kaya first so you can farm

i could see kaya--> radi --> kaya sange --> bloodstone maybe working

i feel like you'd want a blink or something maybe a strength blink later

arcane blink would make your ult like insta cast and really low cd