New Sherriff in Town

only spiritually

good luck on being mod. don't burn out like I did.

didn't you just tell ewiz and asshole to fuck off and then woke up to being unmodded LUL

mind you this is when grown ass adult men resorted to flagging every single post some made iirc

You only got like 7 flags per day it was not a big deal

My account still does not have the ability to flag posts

dont even know how to flag posts

yeah that sums it up.

this is a pretty funny (read:short) take for someone who seems to project the long view of things in general

i do be like that usually but i had only been back on the site for a couple months so i dont know the long take. i came back right around the grant news getting aired iirc. if it's something i missed in that time frame i wouldn't put it past me as i can definitely take a side or narrative before i know everything

i don't generally involve myself in those types of discussions either so i am ignorant as to why kkat antagonized some people enough to get him removed

protip: i was legit gone until i started posting again, and roragok would never intervene in any mod related shit unless there was a reason -- ie (i dont even really actually know the story) if the mod himself requested to be demoted. If anything it's my fault -- I nominated kkat and he wasn't the best choice

standing by and watching you guys get mad at scsf is funny but I feel al ittle bad when you guys give kkat shit for something I had ultimately just thrust upon him in the first place

word i appreciate the honesty

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it's a weird trait i have i just read the 656 pages of Barbarossa Derailed in 5 days but i need people to spell out personal things that should be obviuos if i were paying attention


no worries i get it i dont really expect anyone to be up to date in the first place anyways. I'm just assuming that Roragok didn't actually like watch what happened and choose to demod him. But that's based on some evidence that I have pretty decent reason to believe is true lmao

david glantz: tough to digest all his content but it's simply the best out there

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can someone please confirm to me that scsf spelled sherriff correctly?

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guess it's not really a wonder that i connect the timeline of events together but the blowup was during --> through the sexism drama.

why anyone would take out kkat over kyle even, or especially, in that circumstance, i have no clue. but what do i know.


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there that's better

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