New Tide build!

@Numeta have you seen this?


Anchor smash affects buildings might be a secret next-level talent

Also help me with an argument.

I'll always take gush level 1 because it gives you kill potential and I don't need help csing with level 1 smash. Level 1 anchor smash does very little for me, I don't start farming camps/clearing waves until I have arcanes (/falcons) for mana upkeep and usually at that point I'll try to have level 4 smash.

Before then it's gush and run at people and often I find if I'm brawling a lot in the lane an extra point in gush (or even max gush) wins the lane outright. People don't expect to get gushed on and run at.

Now I prefer also that my lane teammate skills for a brawler lane and I often find we kill a lot of people when this happens. I've laned with a rubick before (notoriously bad laner) but with gushes and lifts and running at them, killed lots of people.

Recently I played a game with a rubick who leveled bolt at 1. So I was like - wtf, this spell does very little for us in our brawl at runes and brawls in lane, if we had lift we would've killed them. I didn't say anything, I just asked him to level lift when I saw he put the second point into aura (? - lvl 2 support rubick - 1 point bolt, 1 point aura, no lift. Ofc the guy takes bolt at 3)

The funny thing was when I mentioned this he was like mad I had taken gush at 1 and had a chip on his shoulder the whole game about it. What I'm trying to understand is why any lane partner would ever be upset that you don't have anchor smash at level 1. (not a melee-only lane)

Even in the "most popular ability build" above, you can just take gush at 1 and anchor smash at 2 and have the same skills after the first few mins while also giving yourself some brawler potential for the minute 0 bounty runes.

And the rubick stats must be fucked up by people playing mid/low mmr rubicks, a fade bolt at 1 on a support is basically griefing to me.

But yeah maybe somebody would like to educate me here:

What I'm trying to understand is why any lane partner would ever be upset that you don't have anchor smash at level 1.


The new tide build starts with quelling anyway so the old days of taking smash & kraken to get what few cs you can out of a solo offlane are gone

Solo offlane doesn't even exist anymore

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Read the whole thing but I do not understand the application to this problem

f(E[x]) != E[f(x)]

That's a really good point. I don't see how it applies to tidehunter though

talent taken win % doesn't mean anything

Big win % disparity in the opposite direction of a big pick disparity is interesting regardless if it means something mathematically

There could either be something some specific players know or there is some specific situation where it's a big power swing and people are taking it in that situation. Either way it is worth fucking around with it to be different - as we did with the falcon blades earlier in the thread

I once won 20 offlane sand king games in a row because I "discovered" (stole from KZZ) some nonsense like this the same way

You take fade bolt at level 1 because it can be used to last hit the range creep.

You take anchor smash damages buildings when you're already winning the game (hitting buildings).

it also trades better in lane than telekinesis

I think that anchor smash at level 1 + blight stone ensures you never miss the ranged creep exp but if you have a kill combo for bounty check or in lane then Gush is very strong (with aforementioned blight stone)

However, if you're going for gush level 1, oov + blight stone is the way. Send regen on courier after.

I love wind lace and basically can't play the hero (or any hero) without it

Lace + quelling +2 regen

I get the point of blight/oov but starting those just feels lower impact

recent tidehunter gameplay.

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No falcon blade = turned it off, unsubscribed from the channel

Yeah I should have bought falcon blade rather than soul ring. The components sort of suck out of the fountain: do I just buy 5 branches?

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