nmaGane is really fucking stupid.

Just goes to show that he has the intuition of the landscaper.

conclusion: yns and cultured_urbanite are sheltered and incredibly soff

You are a fucking moron dude. This is just math.

I just posted the math "dude".

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everyone knew yns was soff but cultured_urbanite is a revelation

You can't even explain your beliefs dude.

I hate brown people because they're low IQ and low IQ people don't perform well on iterated prisoner's dilemmas.

It's not hard to calculate the enemy team average and guess yours. That's a pretty simple belief.

The "math" is that they place people of higher MMR on core positions.


Please: continue to make fake models about things you've just made up.

No, i've not made anything up.
Is it made up to assume both teams have the same average mmr?

There's just well known features about the matchmaking algorithm.. that have been known for years.. and you're just too stupid to even keep them in your head!

No, unfortunately you are now coping. Very sad.

Hey dude. You're dumb and you forgot to put the basic parts of the world problem into your model. You'll get it next time!

I don't have a model. I just counted the cards and you were wrong.
You can tell yourself "valve are rigging the games!!" all you like.

I thought you legitimately tried to model it: you're just trolling. Go away.

Not trolling. It's a pretty simple calculation.

You want to calculate my MMR?

It ends at 4523~.

Count each win/loss since then and you'll have it! Good luck!