Hahahahahaha agreed. Too fast for him evidently.

(proof im a fucking ■■■■■■ )

I became a Bayesian in like 2019.

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what did he mean by this?

well the one cost me like 10k to start and I made that as a commission for finding these guys a business to buy (honestly they scammed me I should’ve been paid more)

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basically I do real shit in the real world not the zombified version of the world you live in where you work

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work for THE MAN

so you based your finances off 10k(scammed) and it panned out

the other one people actually started it but gave me % (lesser but still I operate off of % not salaries or some gay shit like that) because I can do things and have skills people pay good money for

ngl you come off fuck as fuck business adn personal

it’s very simple either you operate as a zombie where your position is only as secure as the ability to replace you with a third worlder or you actually do things

What? Are you drunk

you’re sounding like someone who gets replaced by sub 100iq Indians in the near future

"became a bayesian" means he joined the avengers


■■■ wont be happy with me assaulting regular shitclonws

osiris can't be replaced because he's on the government dole frankly

there will ALWAYS be handouts for losers like him

did Osiris call me a leech while working some government contractor job?

unfortunately no i have to deliver

no you don't lol