Numeta's Thread

Well the thing is, when you master amplifying the bounces to only hit the enemy heroes to get kills and killing blows within the assist window to get a MEGA TREANT for your aghanims, you become a different hero entirely. The bounces go down to top or top to down, depending on your map position.

Bot lane > mid > top lane - in scan fashion depending on your available vision, which is why NP is the best warding hero in the game and i spam out wards with my abundance of gold so supports can get items. TP to ledge, tp out. Sometimes do it on ledge you already know to fake ward. The idea is to ward a side of the enemy jungle to bounce off their neutrals, as to not fuck up the scan of your ultimate.

You also want to kill the entire creep wave to get trees.... so that small amount of amplification on K&Y is really powerful, and necessary. (especially when you have two ults whipping around the map.

The biggest problem with this build is running out of items to buy really; and having too much gold. I rarely ever get level 25 though. That's how good the build is. I average 1k GPM every game.

Typically I'll have like 50 trees hovering around to do ancients with non stop or kill roshan. Smoke of Deceit pushing with 50 trees is crucial to this build. If enemies scout where your slow fucking trees are going you are fucked, but if you hide them and just destroy their base in seconds it's gucci

yeah dude you’re dumb that’s like the meme build everyone did years ago when they changed his aghs to spawn treants. It’s really bad because it removes all the farm from the map. Add a refresher after octarine too

Can you stop assuming I'm not the meta god please


Thanks YNS

Damn who's that armlet god?

Those ember builds tho

Video form of the NP Build

why the fuck does the date say these matches are from 2016




Last Online 98 days ago


Let’s see your real account

That's just my old first account. I don't play on it anymore cause it's shadowbanned queue I think so every match queue is 30 mins

Post your current account


I don't share my main ranked cause my builds are t0p sekret

yet you post every single garbage build here

I share the ones I'm ready to share.....

I can post all my Razor Atos/Mask of Madness 2017 matches too

Just upload the photo directly to the site looking at one image albums on imgur on mobile is cancer dude

I get this beautiful image and some lovely imgur memes!

LOl ok

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