Numeta's Thread

adding to that: if loomdun can coach high level teams then numeta can, twice as good

Loomdun also sucked professional dick for years to even get a shot

Plasma numeta coaching expose? lmaooo those retards couldn’t even pick the heroes i told them to.

Hard pass

Stop a 1500 health catapult, 1500 hp Lone druid in melee form, stop a 3000 health bear.

Which one and how long does it take them to kill me before i get your rax?

What is my team doing while you lose towers?

probably take their offlaner and a support with a stun to kill you lmao retard

split pushing is legit garbage this patch get over it nerd

while you’re split pushing the other team will just rotate and kill you then take a 4v5 fight, win, snowball down mid and end the game in 25 mins

i know this doesn’t happen in your games but that’s because you’re 2k mmr

WHat happenes when I push with my team? :thinking:

you lose the team fight because your jungling caused your offlaner to lose his lane and you built items that do nothing for teamfighting

How much dick would you guys be willing to suck for a Dota 2 Coaching job

Alright how did murs get here

he heard @numeta came back

would i have to swallow?

Do you want the job or not


mental illness sure is something


Ok the new Nature's Prophet is godlike.

Blight stone (Cut offlane 30 second wave)

Midas > Aghs > Refresher > Octarine >Nomicon 3 > Kaya & Yasha > AC

Due to the newish NP ult which deals more damage and more bounces, I'm working on a strat where I can null talisman stack again, probably 4 is ideal, and just kill people with fat ults and face damage early on to snowball into my midas/aghs and secure my team's lead. I also need to find out if the multiplier of the ultimate is effective by each bounce additive or not by the 3% amplication of null talismans.

so gay old NP global build as usual

theres gotta be something better to put in that K&Y-> AC tho.