Then they all called me weird - I told a girl I liked I had feelings for her and she ostracized me, telling her friends and them making fun of me. It’s why I keep my raging intellectual prowess to myself. I know that society can’t handle it
Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.
I’m glad you’re so emotionally behind what takes place on the forums.
u guys ever watch frasier?
I watched it while I was studying body language - why?
benny just sorta reminds me of frasier if he had mild but debilitating autism
You just proved exactly what I said – you probably think I’m exaggerating but I burst out laughing at my self-prediction.
Generalizing people according to cartoon and television characters reminds me that you likely have mild but debilitating autism.
can u say good god niles
Professing you intended only comedic intention after me ridiculing and disintegrating your argument. Well I can’t say it wasn’t expected hahaha!
thats way more syllables than is in good god niles
Comedic posts that are not comedic are the most base sign of a posters intelligence.
Ian once ridiculed me for reading a book on Body language and called me things like autistic and to my knowledge that argument is still unsettled to this day - so is reading a book on Body language autistic?
For the record that book taught me things that I utilize to this day.
Admitting to yourself that you are unskilled in a skill that comes naturally to those of higher social caliber and taking action to repair reveals traits of above forum average mental strength.
Thanks. I’m also bad at suckin’ and fuckin’ but haven’t found a solution to that yet.
All three posters on this poll are smarter than me so I don’t think it’s fair for me to judge them and choose one.
If this logic extended to everyone on the site then we would have zero votes on the poll - not exactly ideal.
I am in the upper percentile for sexual partner count for my age. We can further this discussion in a private means of communication.