Official Linux Thread

Discourse creators are pedophiles and Jeff Atwood is a direct descendant of the Zodiac Killer.

I asked Ersu to change my title like a week ago and he didn’t do it

ersus on the list.

Memory safe languages are apocryphal

Memsafe esolangs are the shiznit my nizzle

I write programs with breadboards


People that think Ruby is a memory safe language have never had their computer subject to a burst of gamma rays by a foreign actor

Nice my skull+brain is radiation hardened and theres like 2 brain cells knocking around in there + a bunch of ceramic full of heavier t

han usual isotopes of whatever the fuck skulls are made of. Calcium?

just try and shoot my brain with particles… thing has enough bit rot as is

Sometimes I literally just use a proton beam to surgically flip a few bits to move the mouse cursor a couple pixels

You don’t need a proton beam for that

Yes you do.

It’s the equivalent of shining an airplane pilot in the eyes with one of those hand held lazers

Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 23% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

Im working on a machine learning algo that uses discourse likes to figure out how to make “good posts” so I can finally be a “good poster”

Please only like my posts if you enjoyed reading them - no ironic liking as this will fuck up the bot

Do you guys want to open a strip club that’s really a front for our machine learning algo factory that’s in the basement


Can the strippers write javascript