Official Linux Thread


Are the strippers really machines that are constantly learning

What if we preyed on technologist clientele and used the strippers to extract trade secrets

This is getting suspiciously close to that prostitute house in new orleans where they record politicians having sex to get blackmail material

I’m excited for the future

Interestingly enough, if we were to lobotomize deepthroat and replace his brain with our own technologically advanced cpu brain, chances are we would make him more human than he is now.

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I mightve dirtied the sample pool considering I’ve liked all of your posts but probably only actually liked 5% of them


And here I thought I had a genuine fan

thanks for ruining my thread

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I’m just going to stay out of Jones threads. I always ruin them

Consider it repaying the favor

if it requires dan, jdance, friend, and electrowizard to make a joke then you’re just not funny


I’m seriously sorry about that.

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This. Is. Amazeballs.

This Is So Important: Why Dan Harmon Is Writing Body Positivity Into Season Five


kaptenrobert was attempting to wake nmagane up over teamspeak by micspamming it

but hes still asleep

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wasn’t there a rumor going around that tim heidecker and dan harmon were into like child porn

What do you think

Yeah Sam Hyde said that the adult swim bathrooms had child porn on the walls