
no shit it’s a complete NOTHING

enjoy the lockdown

this is according to science... so u cant use this info

I’ve already posted CDC statistics on this website multiple times

A great big hoax

Getting vaccinated is the equivalent of Fauci fucking your ass then pulling out and cumming on your face

yns, great believer in science

science is his #1 source as long as it fits his conspiracy theories

“I still believe 5% of the things I read, I’m very objective.”

The Science says that this is all a hoax and you guys are clowns

You have a mental illness. I know you don't care that you do but I feel like someone should probably tell you that. Maybe you will have a chance to fix yourself before you die, but you probably don't care

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You like dick in ur butt


libs: If we don't reach a certain threshold of vaccinations, a more dangerous variant is much more likely to spread

this exact thing happens

haha moronic stupid libs!!

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it’s gonna happen regardless

Nope. Not guaranteed. Haven't heard about any new polio variants recently

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Wonder what the breakthrough rate for polio vaccination is and how it compares to COVID vaccines, too bad we’ll never know because if you have the courage to study and do research regarding anything negative related to these vaccines you’re literally ostracized by the educational community which is completely and utterly controlled by leftists in almost every single college in the country

good thing science exists.

Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio

pfizer/moderna was about 95% effective at preventing covid.

polio vaccine is 90% effective.

why did we get rid of polio for the most part but NOT covid 19?

well. let's see.......................... polio didn't have retar.ded fucks refusing to get vaccinated. the government just showed up and did it without giving a fuck who protested it.