Osiris is genuinely a creep

Osiris you are on timeout

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imagine bullying Osiris out of anyone lol

He cant beat the allegations

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videogames are making people violent

it's for the culture

Not worth, bad cultures

Fuck off man




that's not rude

nor is it correct but it doesn't matter



You're pretending you weren't ostracized and made to leave dude.

you're right you posting gay porn did convince me to leave

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I genuinely had doubts that you leaving after me coming out wasn't some weird homophobic act of pettiness, but I'm glad to get confirmation. I'm bi, I get that you have to fit in with Robert (who is being ironic in discord) but nobody gives a shit dude, Nmagane isn't on your side. This homophobic shit is ridiculous

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i don't want porn on any discords i visit

This is a really overt spin on the narrative and you know it, you start lying as soon as your intentions get exposed.