Osiris is genuinely a creep

idk why you enjoy trying to get a rise out of people and im not a liar

Employ some empathy and think about what a hyper paranoid person would think when he comes out in a personal channel and a member does the comedic clown car leaves the discord. You were trying to do a "He's bi? Ok I'm leaving" thing.

you try thinking of why any other person doesn't want to see porn on their discord. leaping to conclusions as to why i left a discord is not empathetic

You left during Robert and shit calling me a faggo t. You know what you were doing.

don't recall all i remember is clicking the video then posting twice and leaving

Don't click the fucking video if you know what it is. I told people that I'm the one in the video and you can clearly see from the first frame what it will be. Don't act like you're a 14 year old charlatan who's never seen a bad word before.

osiris said bi more like bye and left what a bigot

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also im not responsible for what other people type and i don't have to incorporate anything they bring in to my reason for leaving

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Dont know who is in the right in this conversation but I agree that leaving a discord when gay porn is posted is homophobic

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go ahead and find my last post that's exactly when i left

hypothetically osiris may be a bigot hypothetically he is also a rat

So in the screenshot, when Chris and Jcrispy were talking about me "coming out" (which I have confronted both of them about and Chris has apologized for the record), you chimed in that the discord was complete garbage. But it's somehow not related?

there is a rat among us

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robert race baiting and you complaining that things aren't all sunshine and roses like back in the day were cringey, the porn is just the icing on the cake

if im such a piece of shit why do you even care i left?

I have a screenshot in this thread of you race baiting, and I genuinely don't know what the fuck you mean about complaining about how things aren't sunshine and roses. What the fuck are you talking about

Because being let in was clearly confidential and you clearly could tell from the tone of discussion that nobody has their guard up in that discord. So to have an outsider just shit all over it puts everyone on edge.

either youre intentionally trying to work me up to get a scene or your reading comprehension is doodoo tier