Osiris Passed Away

I'd trade places with Osiris

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i hit this a few days ago but things have been a bit much lately so i forgot to post it. he used to msg me about my latin streak pretty much everyday

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man i really wish it were me instead of osiris. dude was just too solid of a person to leave us so soon


always had my back


Miss u osiris

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He was the only nadota poster who got told people had a problem with his posting and actually went and fixed it. The rest of us are still just as annoying as the day we were born


You're such a a ■■■.

Exhibit A above

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I'm going to cut insom some slack. Considering that's he's only got one year left.

What's that? We're throwing every libtard in jail. We're going to make it illegal to be a libtard. You have one year left.

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The Song of the Libtard.

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Just go away.

Osiris liked me better than you.

No, it was me. The Roundhouse Papi

Wtf that's so hard to believe

RIP Osiris. He has always been a good dude.


its always interesting what a sociopath comes up with

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just don't have any of your own

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