Osiris Passed Away


rest in peace Osiris

not a day goes by that I don't think of you

I hope you're doing cool shit like exploring the universe


Miss u Osiris. U would've loved the "Osiris Passed Away" thread

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i concur

miss u bubba


eat shit and die

absolutely shameful the way you guys let this sick fuck disrespect this thread

fucking disgusting

either ban jones or Iā€™m never posting here again

i would really enjoy hurting you physically

nah I think heā€™d be pretty disgusted at the cowardly fence sitting mods too afraid to do their job in ONE FUCKING THREAD

you essentially allowed jones and nmagane to do the digital equivalent of desecrating his corpse

sitting there snidely posting ā€œhehe Osiris woulda loved thisā€ how the fuck would you know? human emotions are almost as big of a mystery to you as women

shame on every single one of you mods

congrats, you lose one more of your original posters, but at least you get epic ā€œjokesā€ and AI art from Jones next time someone dies

fucking shameful disgusting cowards

Wtf did I do

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enabled your psychotic ā€œfriendā€ and posted crude disrespectful unfunny bullshit

Actually insane that youre giving jones the exact response he is looking for

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it actually makes me physically fucking nauseous seeing mods nervously justify their inaction in A fucking FUNERAL THREAD by posting about ā€œHow Osiris really woulda loved this hehe!!!ā€

you make me fucking sick

@Roragok @SOPHIE @KrazyKat all of you make me FUCKING SICK

I have like 10 posts in this thread and none of them are crude or disrespectful.
Only one of them is a joke (undying tombstone photo) and it's not that out of line.

We've already lost one member - don't make it two by quitting the forum to take a stance...

it shouldnt be on me to ignore his bullshit




ā€œlol just ignore the WBC youre giving them the response they wantā€

Flag the post dude

Iā€™m really not monitoring the thread and agree that those posts arenā€™t good. Weā€™ve been over it. Flag the posts. If your flags arenā€™t approved we can go from there but weā€™ve talked about how active moderation is neither feasible nor desirable to the body at large

Body at large? Watch your words here.

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