Osiris Passed Away

Yeah but it wasnt highlighted

We should cut insom some slack. Considering he's only got one year left.

What's that? Every libtard is going to be thrown in jail. We're going to make it illegal to be a libtard.

You have one year left.


God I wish

hi warbler

my nearly 80 grandma was hit by a car last week. she escaped with nothing TOO serious happening to her fortunately. scary as shit bc all we knew was she got hit and not much else for a little bit

can i get like a month break from dumb shit happening?

on a related note I am thinking about talking to my doctor about going on ssri or w/e rather than xanax

any1 got experience with this shit

Osiris would've loved this post.


he would understand how he fits into this

She lucky she didn't break her hip. Maybe you should use yours to smash some chicks if it's so stronk

Yeah if you’re taking Xanax everyday for anxiety your doctor is a re tard

Oh shit I didn't read that.

Imo I've taken antidepressants 3 times in my life now. I always find that they kinda bring me back after 2-3 months and then I get off. I've never been able to stay on them for longer.

Try exercise and eating good and sunlight.

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Kinda sad that the Detroit Lions got into the playoffs for the first time in forever and @Osiris isn't around to enjoy it.


Atleast he got to see the start of the Pistons losing streak

I still find it hard to accept that he survived tours in Afghanistan and Syria and then just died from a blood clot later. RIP homie.

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Detroit lost. We can unsticky the thread now.

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They were close @Osiris