The guy who makes discourse looks like a virgin he should work on that
Sunday patching:
release notes:
code diff:
Font awesome 5 is big pog actually
Call me when users can use FA
New Release:
Git Diff:
I'll try to patch sunday am if im not hungover. It looks like ti requires a docker patch, so i may not be able to do it from the beach,
Lazy loading images and swiping the menu in on android home are pretty cool but removing category display is an interesting choice. It would be pretty problematic to have everything in general then lol. Prolly looks good on mobile tjo
UX/CSS Improvements:
To arms, gamers.
They have 2 new releases out. Prob update this weekend sometime.
This sounds kinda stupid but what if heroes could just…walk to another lane?
So a big complaint I hear repeated is that without Blinks or TPs, heroes just get stuck in their lanes a lot. Obviously in Dota, it’s trivial to just move to another lane, so I wonder if that concept can be applied to Artifact.
Here’s my proposal: Any hero can simply walk to another lane (don’t know what the UI is, maybe drag the hero to another lane?)
What does “walking to another lane” mean? They simply go back to the deployment area as if they TP’d and will redeploy next round…BUT your opponent knows where your hero is going.
Two big differences from a TP:
Your opponent has full awareness of where your hero is going. Symbolize this by showing the lane number underneath the hero icon, a big fat arrow pointing to their destination, or something like that in the UI. Similar to in Dota when you see your opponent walk away from mid and you warn your bot lane, your opponent can prepare accordingly in anticipation of that hero arriving.
Your hero does not get healed. They’re not going back to the fountain, they’re just moving lanes.
Obviously this effect will skew the power-level of movement cards so those would have to be balanced accordingly, but I’m not going to go into that or this post would go on forever.
What do you guys think? Too much?
why cant my hero just walk to the fountain
The image thing already happened last time i patched fyi.
Ember to 3.5 pog. I wonder if thats going to have a big effect on plugins
Also dope that they let users choose font size now. I thought it sucked that you had to introduce that shit via themes. Ill be taking any font sizing magic out so people can use that feature
Don’t update.
Ignore soon Pog