Phantoms: Day 3

@Nyte I switched my vote to you as Roragok is not getting lynched today for whatever reason (the reason actually being wolfy vouching for his town read for some reason)

Why does dan know benny's work schedule is the real question

He doesn't he was speculating

Why is your profile still private

Dan is doing that thing where he comes off ridiculously scum and my eye starts twitching but I have to power through and keep telling myself how he isn't as when Dan actually is scum he's somehow even more detrimental to town.

We already settled this yesterday stop trying to pad out games with drama.


Roragok went out of his way to make you comfortable with it and you just ignored it and are still acting like you're somehow in the right here

Your cringe joke is also extremely stupid and not funny

You le epic troll persona is extremely cringe and not funny,.

You're as bad as YNS when it comes to just signing games so you can rant on about your personal opinions on users.

Epok is town. Wolfy is town. Roragok is scum. Wintermute is attention seeking. Bazingaboy/Rildom/Friend are second scum.

I don't know if I'll be lynched due to the stumped players mechanic so @wolfy call back this post ^ if I flip town.

Really glad @wolfy is playing as I would of given up by now if town had no actual players left.

You haven't remotely responded to anything that was written of you


  • List item


  1. I asked you to public your profile and you whined about some retarded tech demo I posted 6 months ago. Then when roragok disabled it you responded that I was trolling or stirring drama. You're annoying as fuck

  2. You claimed some retarded shit that was inconsistent with your earlier posts and when people questioned you about it you talked about some stupid shit as if it's "seeking attention" to ask those questions

You're basically just an all around intolerable human being and shouldn't be allowed to interact with other human beings at all

So yeah we all need to vote a target since the flip will likely be different

This is hella mafia favored as we don't have a reduced process of elimination AND town votes are not counted