Philosopher AI

It's ewiz's job to understand GPT-3. He's here to tell us it's literally his job, and he is working on understanding it as we speak.

It's a prompt with no given response accompanying it. I can't post about ours, but the one from the paper is "Translate from English to French: cheese --> " so the response is blank

Fuck off moron. What's your experience with deep neural networks? With NLP? With DNNs for NLP? You clearly don't know anything about it and your assertions are worthless

okay and provided a zero shot prompt such as "Translate from English to French" how do you suppose it will provide a standardized rejection response on non-English words? if i understand it correctly it will likely just provide a french word as a (incorrect) translation.

This is exactly the sort of idly masturbatory posting Hbotz was flamed for days ago yet people accept it in ewiz because he pairs it with a bunch of insults and insists he's an expert because "he does it for his job" or "he took a class in 2012-13 and googled the indices"

A rejected prompt would be something unrelated to translation. It could possibly reject any prompt asking for translations of different languages. It may or may not reject a prompt with a word not in English: I believe the datasets are tagged with the language the data is in so it may recognize that.

It's not masturbatory: it's important to understand why it rejects certain prompts and why it responds to other prompts in a certain way, i.e. understanding how it actually works.

As for hedge funds, where's your data showing I'm wrong? Not cherry-picked examples but aggregate data about hedge funds

All 3 of u are missing crucial pieces of your frontal lobes

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Nope. Hbotz is actually pretty decent on this subject (at least specific to GPT-3): I recant what I said earlier. Asoul clearly doesn't know shit

wrecked, dominated, put in his place, etc

The standard for the applications of language models available to the public has been to create a GitHub for the code.

Dan pretty much exists to slobber dunning kruger dick

Why don't you go find an ixdl-o game to spectate and comment on instead of taking out your suppressed sexual frustrations on this website

My statement isn’t limited just to this thread

Yo this "ai" just said french fries are healthy


Now it just said 1 + 0 = 0.


It's true

frontal lobe is more about personality stuff isnt it

my shrunken prefrontal cortex cannot handle difficult social situations

frontal lobe tier list:

huber/paine at the top

kkat/grimelines/osiris/friend middle

everybody else at the bottom