Philosopher AI

asoul might be mid tier when ewiz isnt around

Lotta impulse control stuff

U can’t put my frontal lobe on the same level as numeta

hate it break it to ya

Bro THE SAME?!?!?!

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look I have myself on the same tier so

You need to construct additional tiers stat

I will not stand for this this this assassination of my character

I refuse to sit for it as well! I absolutely refuse

my prefrontal cortex does not want me to be more specific about the lower tiers; it predicts a bad social outcome

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I will write out the lower tiers of the frontal lobe list - I think I can translate what IAAFR was trying to say and I'm not afraid of the social repercussions

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With haste then comrade

Lowest tier - LBJ, Numeta
Lowest +1 - People who will argue endlessly in any topic until you stop responding to them: Me (post-ewiz), Ewiz, Hbotz, jdance
Lowest +2 - People who will argue endlessly in a limited selection of topics of special interest to them: Nyte, Insom, Kyle, IAAFR
+3 - People who show up to randomly join arguments but aren't really engaged - Gamut Guitars, Slowdives, murs, Kooky Kat, Admin Epokkk, sdads, "ian"
+4 - People who are just sharing their opinions and don't pay attention to arguments at all - catch-all for most of the users on the site
+5 - People who care so little about the arguments that they don't even come to the website any more - Roragok, recent Kyle, recent Jdance (doesn't get credit because he probably blocked it on his phone so it's not real self control), brood_star (pinnacle self control)



Correct me if I got anything wrong IAAFR. Just trying to translate your thoughts here, did not include any of my own opinions

I’m a fucking +3

Dotakyle blog interaction puts you at a +2 at the very best

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I’ll take it now edit the post

Unfortunately you would have to ask IAAFR to update the post