Plasma loses everything again

Interesting manuever;he pulls out the Taxi Driver "You talkin' to me?-' ... at least Travis Bickle was talking to a Mirror... shmaeful

I don't have time for this.

You might have less time than you think... lets go back to the mafia game... yes...

I can see it now... :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: plasma butter :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Think of all the posters here spreading plasma butter on bread, taking a pic, and posting it with a #plasma. Sounds like free money.

I'd rather buy a place in Quebec City and Warsaw/ Krakow, and a nice car

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Seems like I struck a nerve. Keep attention seeking - you will never grow up.

Here's the attention you ordered.

Youre a nepo baby and im a self made pizza delivery driver millionaire.

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No, I'm a nepo baby and you're a pizza delivery driver. Period. Enjoy your "life".

The poorfags like you will always try to come after me, despite me genuinely trying to help you see the error in your ways years ago.

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You have your face as your forum avatar, you let social media fully take over your life and turn you into a nameless and ironically faceless NPC, you could've made a lot more out of yourself - but you chose the path of least resistance and became gray goo.

50 years from now you will still only be known as "that guy from Path of Exile". Think about that.
This is the path you chose for yourself.

Sometimes i wonder how nmagane can consistently type such insane nonsense but then i remember that he is european and suddenly it all becomes clear

You can stick to your ironically cropped twitter comedy, that's the deepest level of thought you can handle.

Keep typing to yourself moron.

Me: delivering pizza making money hanging out with girls

Nmagane: hanging out in the meccaverse trying to convince the brazillianesque egyptian kid clique to try his bejeweled derivative

How to make something automatically funnier for child-brained twitter Americans: Crop out the top and bottom of the image

Here you go, I made your terribly poorly written and unfunny post funny.

No need to thank me.

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