Plasma loses everything again

and for the record, I don't need to convince anyone to "try out" anything - the algorithm pushes it automatically and it's doing very well on its own.

it's a wild world out there

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I wrote 3 drafts for that paragraph and he still thought it was unfunny?

You are inherently uncharismatic and have no sense of humor.

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can you guys stop? you're tearing me apart!

It's time you come to terms with the fact that you just can't beat getting Virgin Megastored. It's like constantly shuffling the order of the cards when your opponent already assembled exodia.(yes i just pwned your ass with yugioh humor)

It doesn't matter if you switch the head and the legs in an act of self defense. The Exodia has already been assembled.

He’s African aka black

Nmaganes ultimate fucking constructed Humor Card(Blue Eyes White Dragon) :

He was pretending to be a gay Virgin the whole time

The penultimate GOTCHA! Right before he reveals he was Rank 1 in Retail TBC

To quote my video : " I'm like Uzbeki "

Uzbeki has sex and is multi r1... remind you...

If you really wanna be like Uzbeki...

@Vanilla_Town thoughts?? Thoughts??

Or are you trying to convince chris that it's a waste of Time to buy a Leather Sofa for His Omaha Suite?

Ok sweetie.


I'm glad to be finally getting through

Actually i'm not glad. I'm a 1854 rated rogue... you dont have to listen to me...

If @SOPHIE hadn't disabled emoji reactions I would've given this post the following emoji:

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Nice he's going through all the combinations! Try a brainlet react next time(switching the left arm with the right leg.)

You're like cat chasing a laser pointer proclaiming victory every time you touch the projection

No that's you.

No response to that one?

Ran out of jokes.