Plasma loses everything again

Here we go. This should be good. How is that me?

I'm right and you know that i'm right.(Inside Joke)

I've become so powerful i can pwn nmagane from a 5 year old Android Phone with a keyboard delay of 300ms while he's fully plugged in his Computer Evangelion.

Here's a joke

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truly ascended, an turk

Seems like you guys have not been following the thread rules

I'm rank 13 NA rogue

My posts - a well thought out misinformation plan to normalize and usher in a vanguard party for TND.

You - mental illness.

I need to read an information theory textbook.

information theory: fun facts, trivia, and other types of information.


Owned over and over

Field Marshall Notjones

This could make a good mafia game.
Plasma (serial killer) vs vs Vitaplur (tweaking scum) vs Wowbutter (soy boys) .
Maybe add Mr. Lee's noodles in too.
BTW they make good ramen cups.

its too easy because the plasma role is the mafia, every time.


you need 3p role that are his team members who snitch him to the companies, ig

The "Twitch snitch"?
I like it.
Let me think about this.

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The "Twitch snitch"