Anyone want to play a game?
damn youre good
or are you just following some shit online
i was messing around but your response was clever, got me good
i thought you were klaze
thanks. i'm not that good though. i used to play at a club but i was on the lower end of players. when u take it seriously for a while it gets easier to see stuff like that. wish i could play chess in person these days
i meant to use that account to queue but i dont want you guys to see my WR against my good friends, its absolute garbage
completely original username, i was a sdadsadasd on like bnet a number of times
i looked for a club when i was staying in chicago and i dont think theres a good one there which surprised me so idk where u would go for games. online play sucks if u wanna improve. there's none in louisiana either. only reason i miss seattle
yeah honestly i just feel kinda shitty playing non chess960 without knowing what opening im going to follow with
i had already agreed tho so i just pulled that to see if that would work
if u follow opening principles you can get away with not knowing openings too well. don't get sneaky until you've developed, fight for the center etc
chicagos such a racially divided city that its hard to start that kinda thing here without it being coopted by movements to help ameliorate living as a poor person around here. atleast i imagine that there is a half decent place to play chess for you in the city, but it wont be any farther south than like the magnificent mile, or probably any farther west past Western/the Western stop on the blue line either lol
yeah i was following a few things in my head but i get self conscious realizing how shit every opening i try that isnt a standard opening feels and it becomes a degenerative thing in my play
i only ever committed 1 opening as white and 2 as black to memory. if ur not comfortable with the feel u shouldnt be trying it imo. i never felt like i was good enough to get a real advantage from improving my openings. playing it solid has the advantage of potentially getting you to an even middle game vs someone way better than you, whereas if you try something original in the opening it's usually a more embarrassing loss that'll happen more often
playing 1 or 2 every game is the way to go
wdym by that
that you should have one or two sets of ~7 preferred moves that you go in wanting to play every game. unless they do something crazy which usually doesn't happen. like i really used to look forward to playing the accelerated dragon because i had experience with it and could make chunks in my brain of how people react to it, and what i should do when they play like this vs when they play like that. if you're trying to think of moves off the cuff early on you don't really have a framework for the game. so just tell yourself if i'm white i'll play this, this, this (unless i see a clear opening or he attacks early). if i'm black i'll play this, this, this vs king's pawn or this, this, this vs queen's pawn. for about 7 moves
it sounds too simplistic and at a higher level it probably is but i never got there