[POLL] Do Nmagane and big-benny cheat?

As he said, that was my reason for requesting the poll. I didn’t play the game; I want to know the impressions of those that did.

That’s alright.

Problem here mr matticus is can you distill this down into a rule which is both logical and enforceable

In the absence of this we become arbitrary arbitrators

this has been going on for so long now - i remember on the old site, maybe a year and a half ago now, where the accusations of goy club cheating were similarly common and a significant portion of the player base similarly believed it without even much circumstantial evidence

ah well

I made some significant efforts to get to the bottom of this atthe time

At great cost to my personality and reputation

If Nmagane was non biased he would realize that if Epok was scum he’d 100% kill Benny/Nmagane and not Matty in the last day (Nmagane and Benny would never lynch each other at that point), and since he didn’t, he was effectively cleared.

He didn’t, which confirmed my suspicions that they were collaborating and instead of trying to win they were making a mockery of the game.

Like, do you guys really think anyone would ever believe that Epok sat himself up as scum to be left alone with BENNY AND NMAGANE? How fucking oblivious do you have to be?

well we’ll never know if that argument could’ve convinced nmagane to reconsider

because of the snap vote

I’m not accusing them of cheating, but the fact that they never vote on each other is collusion.

It hurts the game and makes it less fun. And in this game it meant nma playing against his win condition and throwing the game for town.

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I only voted the indecisive option as I have no definitive proof but if anyone that doesn’t see that something is extremely off by this point I don’t know what to tell you

tending to collude on votes and doing things that generally favor each other as players reads as bias and not cheating to me

i don’t deny there’s bias in how they handle each other in games


After this game I have significantly lowered my skill rating of Nmagane and will side with him in the future in these arguments. It was my fault for thinking he was more skilled. He really is on the bottom end of the mafia player pool.

**side with klaze

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Illogical Wifom argument.

Where have I done that?

Usually, in a normal game it could be WIFOM. But everyone knew that the chance of either of you lynching each other over him was 0%, while both you and Benny stated you were both suspicious of matty.

Nma’s not low-skilled. He had an agreement with benny. When it came down to the last day, he chose to go mid and feed instaed of voting on benny.

  1. This is a normal game
  2. “Everyone knew” is not an argument
  3. I didn’t state suspicion of matty.

I didn’t even vote on the last day dude - did you even read it?

He chose to go mid and feed the entire game by that logic. What did he do this game that deserves respect?