[POLL] Do Nmagane and big-benny cheat?

It is correct. Jones only posts to troll and Wintermute is just very gullible when it comes to certain things.

Anywho who cares if they cheat or not

People find them unpleasant enough to not allow both in a game at once (for collusion reasons)

Whether it’s collusion via cheating (pretty likely) or collusion via just colluding in the thread to a point where people dont’ feel comfortable with them (indisputable) makes little difference

i understand a huge portion of jones’ mafia play and relationship with the subforum to be mockery and derision so i just assumed it was the same with this whole thing

this is essentially the reasoning i posted 2-3 times in the graveyard for why i won’t likely allow both to sign games anymore if i host them, yes

I think the reason is because they play soft on each other because they know how much they both like to play, not because they are cheating.

the conclusions you morons come to are just the extension of your extremely poor mafia play

Nma has been doing this thing for the entire history of the site where he does something retarded adn then when people say anything about it he says “xyz is trolling. Its just a troll. You guys a re falling for it” and somehow it’s worked in consecutive threads (dan moderator callout threads, minecraft threads where people decided I was a troll when I was just reporting that jones had lit krazy’s house onf ire or something, any other time anybody says anything)

Feel free to chime in.

It works because it’s true and backed by overwhelming evidence in every case.

I cheat with nmaGane, I can only assume he cheats with Big Benny.

Clearly it’s difficult to make an accurate analysis when I’ve barely spoken to either personally, and only on this site or nadota.

We can talk on teamspeak if you want.

Nyte comes on teamspeak quite often so you would feel right at home.

Yes. I will log on aswell.

I wont get on teamspeak right now sorry

can you list the mafia games you have cheated in

You guys can message me on discord if you want to talk over the weekend

all of them I think?

why else do you think I developed the uncheatable mafia game