[POLL] Do Nmagane and big-benny cheat?

was any cheating actually for the purpose of winning or was it just using out of game communication for amusement

I direct nmaGane to read my posts in the mafia thread in just about every game.

whats the benefit in cheating at forum mafia. like i literally can’t even fathom the concept.

sense of besting someone/being above it all i’d imagine

There’ a subset of the audience that bets on the outcomes of the games via ethereum

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it’s hard to understand the psyche of a jobless loser unless you are one

I think I remember one time where Jones inadvertently mentioned his cryptographic analysis in teamspeak while in a game. But that wasn’t cheating just rule breaking (Serious - not a joke meme reference).

Nma I’d like it if you’d drop the act and we coudl all just go on to building great works of grief together

I’m not acting you are

We could send somebody to the next mafiauniverse championship and the entire subforum here could join teamspeak and write posts accusing people of being transgender and calling people the wrong pronouns or whatever

That’s not very funny

It’s funnier than what you’ve been doing here for the past 3 months

You’re wasting your life on this shit

That’s not true

No I’m not.

our entire community is permanently banned from mafiauniverse championships because of the severity of dendi’s griefing

There’s no way that’s true because I played on that site after dendi did

championships; not individual players

In fact I remember nma and dendi got banned from the discord but somehow i got passed over and I believe I am still in there

And they still were making dendi references last i checked

What an absolute icon