I eat an entire 400g bag of mixed vegetables per day
Personally i think you dont eat nearly as many vegetables as me
my man counts his vegetables in grams what a gamer
the frozen veggies are actually pretty good if a bit salty
i think im gonna try a degen meal with a bunch of ramen and mixed veggies this weekend
400g mixed veg a day he should be fine for fiber intake
Even black coffeee? that’s tough
I am currently winding down my caffeine intake for my half year ls resolution
Currently at 800mg per day of caffeine!
Get on the zyn
holy shit you're an addict
anything over 500mg of caffeine a day is insane
I kept it under control for a bit. Recently crested the point where it doesnt even give you energy it just makes you feel bad
My half years resolution (half year starts july 2nd) is water only
you're gonna feel like garbage dude you should at least drink tea or something to come down with at least a small fix
Im decreasing steadily
also on the zyn recently, although im not using it as regularly now. my gums started receding immediately after i tried using 6mg lol
Surprised it’s a recent thing for you given your demo
I only play the zyntendo when I go out since I’ve chilled on most other substance abuse
Wish I could try quality euro snus it sounds a lot better