Iaafr was scummy coming in, then he townspewed some and wolfy gave some metaread on him so I kinda let him go for a while, but looking back on him he doesn't look very town anymore
dont u guys think lucky is scummy?
Or pretending to pretend to bait gun as scum
I kept thinking he's mafia last game but he wasn't mafia so I'm ignoring him
nyte is the vengeful goon i just realized
Maybe he's on one of his drug trips?
about that thing it was between us 2. dont worry about it. (i dont wanna talk about it but feel free to not read into it)
Blow him harder lol
I'm gonna stop reading because I'm at work but nytes probably mafia
Actually I'm gonna keep reading I don't like work
Your reads are good.because you are mafia
Seems like a parody of his confused town style rather than a real eread
Swallowed wolfy's forced list down whole, (soft-bussed nyte in the process?)
Did nyte really claim a playstyle change? Where did she say that? Scumchat? (seems like an excuse not to pressure harder)
Weird random post
Possibly trying to get me to push a town harder?
Also a lot of image-posts, which iaafr doesn't usually bother with, the gun-post being the latest.
The rest of the day was circular and I'm sad I didn't go back to work
ians funny lol
ill make 1 bigger post and then try to post less.
i think sdasdasdasd and ironstove derpcleared themselves town, the former's derpclear being stronger.
i think nyte is spewed mafia and at least 1 partner is bussing her, potentially up to all 3. i think shes the vengeful
iaafr is town for personal reasons i dont wanna talk or think about it
i think lucky is scum for 3 reasons ive posted already
i have an incredibly dumb townread on faz in that he will purposely refuse to make reads (as town), his goal being that he desires to be given the gun to carry. i could be wrong idk this just feels ... good? to think like that
i think ian's snap one liners ... idk if i should say towny, am i putting the bar too low? i just wanna tr them sorry
i will also 180 on the hbotz townread and call them scum now, leaning into the paranoia i expressed about them earlier
krazykat just from vibes can be town
i think atp scumteam is nyte + hbotz + osiris + luckyartist, with nyte being the vengeful
What's up it's ya boy HP Lovecraft back at it again with the fish people
iaafr and wolfy are top scum in the soup atm
I think Nyte is the shot as of now. She looks really bad to be honest, and she's had good accuracy as town, so handing her the gun wouldn't be bad.
Nyte+Iaafr makes a lot of sense actually. Brb.