Popcorn Mafia

nyte + hbotz + faz + osiris

hbotz least confident cuz didnt read posts

@iaafr ?

I didn't really buy the Nyte reaching more than usual (scumread her for other reasons) but from iaafr's PoV (possible scum+scum) it would've been obvious she was reaching, just seems like TMI

Where did she say this?


i will be a bit egocentrical here and make the read that you're making this read "scumreading someone for having TMI for their exact choice of words because you got influenced by me doing the same to u. (u are still top town for me, i just felt like sharing my OOG mafia read)

Kind of just down to shoot LBJ, I'm flip-flopping on Nyte

LBJ = Lucky Artist btw

Yeah I'm locked on LBJ for now

i scumread osiris > LBJ > nyte > hboz in this order

Didn't like Osiris's opining either, especially not the low hanging fruit take on stove's opening. He needs to post more though

Wolfy's progression has been so natural if he's scum he's a god

keep feeding my ego i love it. i desire it. thats what i live for

now call me a GOAT town player for catching 4/4 scum day 1 too

Continuing the discussion from Popcorn Mafia:

Current list:

Townread: Ironstove, Alightsoul, Sdadasdas, wolfy
Townlean: Ian, kkat
Neutral/Unsure: Osiris, Faz
Scumlean: Iaafr, Nyte, Hbotz,
Scumread: LBJ

poor hbotz his opener was genuinely good but we just all PoE'd him

he just can't towntell like werewolf titans like faZ

I will say that one thing I don't like about wolfy is his interraction with faz, he had him as a hard scumread in the start, then without faz posting anything else he has suddenly vanished from his worldview

i believe that you dont remember correctly

You had me and faz as scumreads (not even scumleans) early in the day, yes?

my original interaction with faz was that i was waffling / i could see him be either town or scum

then i scumread him off of the desire to do pre-flip w/w association assuming that ur maf and had a TMI w/w post with faz, remember?

he disappeared from my scumreads the moment u did