Post your TI10 Bracket Predictions Here

literal worst luck of all the bo1 opponents

you are playing disruptor

the game is going kinda rough and you cant afford glimmer cape

storm has orchid, lion has blink

how the fuck are you supposed to play this game

can’t even enjoy the game from anxiety lmao

time for a monster LB run

what in the god damn fuck are these depressing loser interviews

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has this guy ever interviewed a single person before

he seems more depressed than the interviewees

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For some reason it didn’t process that the bo1s were happening today

Wow I missed it I wasn’t even doing Anything at home lmao

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thats rough, but at least EG didnt lose lmao

I checked my phone to respond to a text at the exact moment EG won that rosh fight with aa shaker to clinch ti5 so theres always that

now that’s an oof


theres people in the league subreddit defending this change and saying snarky shit to people who are upset (like 90%)

fucking reddit lmao

kill me

The last guy is not wrong

It's definitely controversial

I'm not sure why it's being removed and not like opt in, given you can already opt out

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Is there ever a time when removing a feature that's been there for a decade is a good thing lol

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actually you know what they should remove ranked while they’re at it, and all the ranks

people would be a lot lesa toxic that way

actually they should delete the game entirely, people can’t flame each other if they no longer have a game to play

Most people who wouldn't be happy with the news probably don't care to post on Reddit about it.

Pendragon had his own forum for league of legends (what a surprise) that they recently shut down. It hosted a lot of this discourse and there'd probably be a 500 page thread on this there with a lot of rude posts, but now that it's gone people moved to reddit. And reddit sucks for discourse lol

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i know its just rage porn i cant help it

something somwthing ego feeding sense of superiority bla bla

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