Prigozhin presumed dead in plane crash

RIP my FAVORITE Russian man besides PUTIN

fuck prigozhin lmao

i would dab on his corpse if i could

heck, i might even floss on him

im sad he didnt die of underwear poisoning because that would just be funny

Sorry to burst your bubble. I thought someone like you would be more self aware when it comes to "war" media and "propaganda" (as you call it) - but I suppose you are not ready yet.

cope and seethe winkey face

You guys are like ugly women

My experience taught me not to care what other people enjoy talking about. Some people like musing about foreign policy and wars, some people enjoy talking about neon genesis evangelion and lost. some enjoy world of warcraft and path of exile :person_shrugging:

you and jones take as many pictures of yourself as an instagram thot

and there's nothing wrong with that!!!!

Me "not caring" about what someone enjoys doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for someone who enjoys eating shit for dinner and breakfast, or that I shouldn't tell them that they shouldn't be doing it.


that's just like, your opinion man

it's heckin baserinod to be apolitical and not care about things you can't control! just talk about cute anime girls and coding all day!

Its time to grow up. Life is about challenging others beliefs. Not your own

Like i guarantee you i have been through so much more than you have. Just trust me on this

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Nmagane hasnt left his house in his entire life. Dont trust him

More strawman. I am not apolitical in the slightest.
On the other hand, caring about political affairs that will never affect you, and you know absolutely nothing about (you are aware of around 1% of what's going on at most) is equal to eating shit in my eyes.
Nobody in this thread knows who Prigzon is - stop acting like you do.

You lecturing me on this hilarious as I've literally been on the worst side of this and walked it off. My ■■■■■■■■ cousin telling me we should have just "killed all those arabs" (arabs in afghanistan??) and my mom asking me if im a terrorist when i came home. Most people like to talk and have an opinion why does it irritate you so much if they don't know what they're talking about?

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Is it ■■■■■■■■ and most people only have enough cursory knowledge to reinforce their already preferred narrative? yes. is there a reason for me to shit on them constantly for thinking like this? nah