Professional (Employed) Dota Players: PT. 1

my favorite part about the 40 man raids was the woman who started screaming "incel" over hte mic when we all played amongus


Its like the great replacement theory, except specific to teamspeak

This is quite sad notjones. We need to work on this

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I don't understand how you post this then return to talking about me, you just admitted yourself that you were part of it and enjoyed it at the time too.

itd be like if I started queueing with topraks turkish 5 stacks because i found "dota competitively interesting"

The Nmagane problem cannot be fixed by over the computer.

He simply needs to go to a Hookah bar, ask a girl for her number, get rejected and come back.

its complete nonsense

Non sequitur.

He just needs to do something that does not adhere to mindless teamspeak / roleplay garbage to see what is actually going on outside

it's just shit.

it's all just shit

Years of dejected refusal and denial of missing out - Formed into an acidic blob of virtually sucking off jcrispy into giving him admin

nmagane you need to continue to work on something that requires market scucess

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Feeling nihilistic tonight?

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just watching some vods

These things are not mutually exclusive.


That's so cute.

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the ■■■ enabling has to stop

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■■■ is such a nice guy

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it's just simply not honorable to roleplay like some actor with the soyjaks