public apology thread

we’ve all made mistakes in the past, maybe just some small things…

post in this thread if you want to publicly apologize for your conduct on this forum or anything else

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Would like to apologize if I ever legitimately hurt anybody’s feelings - just my sense of humour :)

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Sorry for being attracted to 17 year olds. I promise I won’t touch them though

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I apologize for the thread I made about ewiz, the thread I am planning to make about nyte, the thread I am going to make about lbj the mafia moderator, and my future actions in general

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in retrospect this is maybe not tasteful. I apologize

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As long as you’re not making threads about me and the pms I send you…

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Haha! Uncanny when it’s the first post you made that is distasteful. Do you miss the mark or is your humor so alien?

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I apologize for the ersu thread I’m about to make

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So far only one genuine apology. Sorry TreeWonSevin

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No thank you.
I am good :slight_smile:

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No I’m good

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I’m sorry I threw that Boulder at that baby

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Are you retarded what are you talking about?

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You really chap my hide, you know that?

What on earth has you so pissy?

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I know your trolling

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No one says chap my hide, not seriously anywho

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No one says anywho

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The way you fall into mimicking nmagane is somewhat tragic.

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