Remove ability to rename threads

If i was them i would just shut down my forum after reading one or two of jeff asswood’s posts

Or, if not started with discourse, started using discourse when their project started becoming popular.

open source is open source

it’s built with plug & play mentality with varying degrees of success

I wonder if we post vitriolic enough stuff if jeff asswood will come here and kick our asses

BANNED from using discourse - stop using the n word in every thread title

open source is open source but the way they simultaneously encourage ‘tweaking your discourse’ and shoot down pretty much any discussion on that matter is annoying. why is jeff atwood locking threads on users who want to block other users posts? his words were pretty much “you should ban problem users.”

hes d u m b

no he’s really smart

he’s just not very good at stepping into other peoples shoes

I assume that eventually development will stop except on the security end or someone will fork it


Nobody responsible for this piece of garbage software is anywhere close to “really smart”.

For the reasons you’ve listed. Atwood is a nut, and he isn’t brilliant enough to eclipse that

Yeah maybe just “smart” but stackexchange is Important.

joel spolsky is definitely the better side of that tho

I think you’re using the wrong definition for “smart”.

He’s almost retarded I think.

I think you don’t do anything and aren’t in a position to criticize anyone who does things.

I do and I am.

What do you do?

What does that have to do with the topic at hand?
The main focus here is how you are completely oblivious when it comes to web/forum design and look up to people who are intentionally driving the concept into the ground (and you can’t seem to see why they would do such a thing).
I’m not going to give you a lecture on forum design and psychology here (two things I am very very experienced in), but I’ll just let you know that you are wrong and obviously so inexperienced when it comes to web design that you read the Garbage that guy puts out and actually somehow think that he’s “smart”.
It’s like jdance and Elon Musk; an Idiot and a Pig.

Except he’s clearly not looking up to the guy and the only people “intentionally driving the concept into the ground” are you and your loonies