Rename the "Lounge" subforum

I propose you rename the "Lounge" subforum to the "Bubba "Osiris" Zanetti Lounge Thread" in memory of Osiris.


The "******* "Nyte" **** Mafia Subforum" has a nice ring to it.

Crazy ideas here.

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Dark times that a thread like that gets closed.

2019 was a mix of dark and light for me.

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good morning


Honestly i look so fucked up in that OP. What the hell was i going throgh.

didnt notice it was you until you pointed it out

you got body dysphoria bro you legitimately look good and the shot itself is good too.

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I lost that Hoodie...


He looks like an unironic murderer

Attractive sure but a little smile never hurt anybody.

Girls love smiles. If youre attractive and you look at them and give a genuine smile they melt. At least thats what reddit says

haha boys will be boys

in the locker room
in the woods
in weird internet forums


No I’ll stick with looking like a serial killer

It’s an American thing to smile like a goof, you wouldn’t get it