request: nmagane's take on mental illness

man this is self-diagnosed and if i didn’t acknowledge i were a total fucking loser i probably wouldn’t spend a minute on this site

you guys should ask turk about his mental experiences

it’s really quite a trip

Anyone else here getting gangstalked?

Holy shit I was just looking at that part of Twitter yesterday. Those people are nuts

What’s your definition of mental illness?

i’m asking you for your ideas on mental illness as the term is commonly used

i don’t really want to frame the question in a way where my personal definition is relevant

if you responded starting with your own idea of a common definition and then talking about your thoughts on that common definition, that would be good.

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I just wanted to point out how Poorly defined the whole thing is. What even is the "common" definition? I have seen a lot of trash.
"Chemical Imbalances in Your Brain" is just a marketing scheme, it's never been actually proven.
"Can't fit into society" is not a mental issue but a societal one, etc etc.

The term mental illness refers collectively to all diagnosable mental disorders—health conditions characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior associated with distress or impaired functioning.

What are we even talking about?

a mental disorder is any pattern of mental issues that present themselves as a group (all named mental disorders in the DSM V require some threshold of symptoms) in a way that’s detrimental to how an individual wants to live

by this definition, if an individual has no desire to “function” by other people’s (or society’s) definitions, then it’s not a disorder for them. it’s only a disorder if the subject themselves agree that they would prefer to live without such natural impediments, and that the relevant listed symptoms interfere with their desired life path.

at this point, such individuals may choose to attempt to overcome their symptoms via therapy or medication.

for example, substance abuse disorder describes when an individual habitually attempts, and fails, to cease use of some particular substance, despite often thinking that they would be better off without it. from such a definition of a disorder, people attempt to form systematic treatment solutions to that specific disorder with the goal of finding more reliable ways for such individuals to successfully cease use.

i’m not denying that there’s a lot of profiteering in the form of attempting to convince more individuals of their own mental illness. i also believe with enough creativity and will, many people can overcome or work around the issues they have that are commonly described as symptoms of mental disorders.

nonetheless, the definitions have some use in identifying some patterns of behavior and/or cognition that people often find undesirable.

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full disclosure im not on any psychiatric meds nor do i go to therapy

Didn’t read

So if the Subject changes their mind later, does the "Disorder" go away?

Is something an Illness or a Disorder if it's a result of Addiction? The fact that "Mental Illness" is a collection of all these Disorders just makes it so that you need to take these one by one. I personally think "Substance Abuse disorder" is in fact a result of Self Induced Chemical Unbalance and I don't like calling it a Mental Illness, it's very Physical more than it is mental I feel.

do you believe the mind involves non physical phenomena

will address other points later

Not particularly, but when something like Consciousness is not understood at all by anyone it is wiser to make the distinction than to make assumptions.

liking salt & vinegar chips is a mental illness, one that is plaguing the nation

Ah crap

I would prefer it was only vinegar though.

“Chemical Imbalances in Your Brain” is just a marketing scheme, it’s never been actually proven.

I personally think “Substance Abuse disorder” is in fact a result of Self Induced Chemical Unbalance

Really makes you think. :thinking:

I’m going to go as long as possible without talking at work tomorrow