request: nmagane's take on mental illness

If I was meant to talk then my voice wouldn’t do that mt. St. Helen’s thing

It’s devastating to nature without fail

Ur fine dude

I’m fine but the fragile biological ecosystem sure isn’t

It gets leveled

Don’t call me dude

I haven’t called you dude

Sometimes I remember my childhood fondly and other times I want to die

It’s everything after my childhood that makes me cringe

I don’t really cringe anymore. I’m immune to it because I’m old and have established myself in my career and have a family and I know that I’m on the path to success with my family and wife and kids and that one small upset isn’t really upsetting because the world is grand and your own interactions are not

It’s just how I see things now

Thats great daddy

Can u and nyte get married and adopt me ?

Your edginess is just … not.

My parents nor any of my grand parents had a successful marriage or relationship therefore I am cursed with the same fate I will never have love

Toprak you actually kind of frighten me but I would help you if I reasonably could.


Is there any way I can reasonably help you?

Well i just wanted a have happy family life for once in my life for whats it worth but jones would probably cuck jdance and ruin it

Real talk I wish I was born into a successful family who taught me how to interact with people I fucking hate myself in that aspect it’s fucking crippling