Rest In Peace

I think she did too. But she never gave up. She kept fighting until the end.
Never give up. Never surrender.

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I was reading back on some past convos we had because apparently the steam app on ipad lets you do that and in September/October I think it was she messaged me "it just occurred to me that I may actually be dying". Pretty fucking gut wrenching. I really miss her, our community will never be the same and lost something that cannot be replaced.

when I was first getting into online dating about a year ago, she took the time to give me advice and also help me pick which pictures to use, which meant a lot to me

sometimes when I’d be upset about something going on in my life she’d take the time, especially after my cat got hit by a car 1 1/2 years ago, she would always take the time to let me vent or give advice or whatever it was,

all while going through this cancer bullshit, shows how kind she was, and also strong.


I found this post very touching, thanks for sharing


rest in peace

i talked to her before a lan and she was pretty chill

idk man death gets worse the more i think about it and read about what she was going through, she was suffering so much in her final moments.

i didn't know her very well but this is extremely sad to hear

condolences to the family, and i hope everyone she was close to is doing okay

most importantly, rest in peace kittens


Rest in peace

Death is so weird man. Haven't talked to her in years, but she was always a cool person to talk to and play with. Glad she isn't suffering anymore.


RIP, she was a good poster with a nice sense of humor. I hope she is in a better place.

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Suddenly got a heavy heart as I go to bed tonight. Played darkest dungeon 2 all day today and although I didn't know kittens very well I remember she adored the og game. wish she could be here to enjoy it with me. Hope this doesn't come off as tasteless


You’re good man. I still really miss her too. She was a good friend.

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