Ring Master

goat hero

i dont have dota installed but why does he have 8 spells?

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They’ve only added more spells to people over time

He's got some weird ass thing that goes up with kills and assists and changes every time you use it. Some lame little spells

bro they added two talents you start the game with and choose one to each hero, and then a perma "innate" ability.

so literally every single hero has three new things you need to remember about them.
often they're related in some way to how the hero used to be, but still,,,,

the amount of information to memorize in dota is reaching fucking phd levels

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i genuinely think the game would benefit from doing what WoW did during legion and "decluttering" aka removing a bunch of shit and simplifying the game

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Why are the people who come up with these things anonymous?

Dota has too much shit happening. Too much reading. Now you got double facets and I nates and all this extra bullshit you need to learn. Bring back vanilla wc3 Dota where everyone has 4fucking skills. No shard and aghs on every hero. Fuck ring master.

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Techies has 3 facest (:

Dota is never coming back to what it was it's just like the west and it's demographics. The flood gates can never close again

You could go back to spinning signs on the street until someone hits you with a car though

I might do it downtown Toronto in a couple seasons to promote the stream

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Probably going to do stickers first. Sign spinning was to learn how to sell advertising

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- Don Draper


it really is awesome that that's a real thing that really happened, and we got to witness it. a man holding a sign by the highway advertising his esports team's website, in like fucking 2011 or something.

just an epic moment in history

2016 January I started in the dead of winter no money even for gloves I had to use my sleeves

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hilariously sad

I know, your step mother is a teacher paid by the government yet no clue how the economy of Canada works. Convinces your father that school is everything. Go to school then compete with Indian imports that work for lower than minimum wage to stay in the country in same industry.

But now should I go spend $100 on chicken wings or sushi after not working all week and still getting paid more then a teacher cuz I has a cert in a rare trade